Bio-Identical Hormones

Healthy Aging vs. Usual Aging and Hormone Optimization

Aging is a normal and inescapable process.  However,  the relentless wasting away of the essential body functions and the epidemic of fat accumulation over the course of decades is not a necessary or normal component of aging. Rather, it is the natural outcome of a lifetime of  unfortunate and often misinformed choices superimposed on the gradual and predictable decline of our hormone levels. Through the unhealthy choices you may actually find yourself to be functioning   at the same level as someone 15-20 years older, essentially accelerating your biological aging processes.

The important  question that we all want to know how to answer is this:

“How can I be one of those people who function and age biologically at a level equivalent to someone years younger ?”

We age, in part, because our hormones decline.  We are healthiest when hormones are at optimal levels in our youthful prime. Replenishing an optimal balance with natural bioidentical hormones can restore vitality and delay many aging-related health problems.

Dr. Gerber provides an advanced, comprehensive assessment of your hormone blood levels and related medical history, with individualized recommendations for optimum hormone replenishment. One-on-one physician consultation and instruction covers all aspects of safe hormone replenishment, specific to your body.

Hormone Replenishment  and  Lifestyle Consultation

Obesity is the fastest growing health problem in the U.S. Managing a healthy weight can become increasingly difficult as we age, and most diets fail because they are not individualized to your needs. This consultation adds a comprehensive nutritional lifestyle evaluation to the hormone replenishment service described above.

A detailed assessment   of your current nutritional lifestyle, and a  comprehensive evaluation of your physical, functional and metabolic fitness provide the basis for a customized  nutrition and exercise program to achieve your goals. One-on-one physician consultation and instruction covers all aspects of safe hormone replenishment, optimal nutrition, and prescribed exercise specific for you.

Hormone replenishment for pro-active prevention is most successful when  managed with your specific needs in mind. After your initial consultation,  I  can partner with you for ongoing clinical management and coaching, ensuring your lifelong success. Unlike the conventional approach of seeking medical services after a medical problem develops, preventive aging medicine is the practice of proactive intervention.

There are several levels of renewable 6-month clinical management agreements available to meet individual needs for time and price considerations. Arrangements are available for patients living out of state who desire ongoing clinical management of their preventive aging hormone optimization program, but are unable to return  for regular preventive follow-up visits after an initial consultation.

Typical benefits for patients choosing the option of ongoing clinical management include:
°  Unlimited physician access
°  No time limits for appointment duration, with the average visit lasting 1.5 – 2 hours
°  Ongoing assessment and review of progress

For additional information on the methodology of Dr. Gerber’s certification in hormone optimization, visit the WorldLink Medical, The Academy of Preventative & Innovative Medicine by clicking on the link below.

Hormone Replacement Therapy in Women: What the medical literature reveals about female hormones and disease protection.